Engineering An Innovative Barbecue With Our Corporate Catering Guests

BBQ NorthamptonshireHere at Hog Roast Clay Coton we reckon ourselves pretty handy, especially as we ourselves designed and manufactured our very own state-of-the-art mobile hog roasting machines. But we are not nearly in the same league as the folks at Bearward Engineering, our corporate catering clients of this last week who took to Hog Roast Clay Coton to serve up their special corporate open day with our gourmet barbecue menu!

Corporate catering is a large part of what we do in the week to week when we don’t have your weddings or private parties to attend during the week – those are typically saved for the weekend, after all. They are always a great opportunity for our teams to come out and meet other local businesses much like ourselves, and help them with any and all corporate catering needs they may have. Sometimes that is cooking for a client, providing staff lunches, or in other cases it can go larger scale with launch events, annual parties, networking and industry conferences, etc.

With Bearward Engineering, the large-scale radiator manufacturer was hosting their own corporate open day so, like any good business with Hog Roast NorthamptonshireHog Roast Clay Coton in their phonebook should, thought to make more of a day of it by adding our own catering to the day. This way attendants and staff could enjoy the day with a delicious filled roll or two or three. As our gourmet barbecue comes with plenty of quantity, there is always more than enough to go around for repeat visits to our chef’s table. Like any barbecue, you have your burgers and sausages, but because we are Hog Roast Clay Coton and like to do things fresh and properly, each is made by hand with our own freshly sourced, quality meats and grilled to perfection by our – you guessed it – state-of-the-art roasting machines. Yes, roasting machines, because part of our ingenious engineering in our own equipment is that our famous roasting machines can also double as a barbecue or even a rotisserie cooker too. Maybe something for those that attended the open day to look at and consider, eh!