Summer Events Back On The Horizon With Hog Roast Whittlebury

Summertime beckons again, and with it our favourite time for events here at Hog Roast Whittlebury as we get to enjoy a much higher quantity of outdoor events under the lovely summer sun. A chance to top up our tans, but also to wow guests at events as we can provide all new types of bright shining dining services for the summer weather and get our hog roast out in the great outdoors where it belongs and cooks best! If you are event vaguely considering hosting an event this summer then come on knocking to the Hog Roast Whittlebury today to see what we can offer in terms of dining for your event – it might just be the thing to convince you that you need to host an event just as an excuse to get your hands on our foods!

With summer catering we at Hog Roast Whittlebury love to get outside as often as we can. Hog roasts as you might typically picture them in the tv shows and the movies are always made and typically eaten outdoors with the old fire pit style of cooking, and though our mobile roasting units do allow us to cook indoors there’s nothing as good as getting a hog roast out where it belongs! Outside we can unleash the full spectacle of this exceptional culinary delight! Plus, with many other summery foods in our repertoire and a few dozen ways to serve them that utilise the colour and brightness of the outdoors Hog Roast Whittlebury is ready to make the best of the British summer at your events.

Hog Roast WhittleburyFor example, why not enjoy one of our incredible grazing tables wherein we lay out a huge table platter of bright and colourful fresh foods, from salads to fine Italian meats and cheeses with artisanal breads. It’s the colours and tastes of the summer in one excellent massive excellent platter for guests to “graze” at their own leisure. Or perhaps the classic barbecue is what you associate the summer with, in which case our gourmet menu is the choice for you.

It’s the best time of year, and it comes even better with a Hog Roast Whittlebury catered event, so get calling today to book in yours!